How to Focus and Finish

Finishing short-term and long-term goals and performing one’s best requires effort, persistence, and optimal focus. Focusing is directing attention toward things relevant to meeting one’s goals (e.g., task relevant information). Athletes, students, employees, and other performers face challenges but also facilitators that help them finishing their goals. Sport psychology research shows that mental preparation, mental skills, and optimal focus can certainly improve performance, helping performers effectively finish and attain goals.


Performers must sustain both physical and mental efforts consistently to perform their best. As they approach their goals, performers may begin to experience diminishing physical and mental resources.

  • Physical adversity, competition, injury, and fatigue can strain their resources.
  • Mental challenges can include:
    • intrapersonal factors (e.g., attentional strain, distraction, increasing stress, anxiety, diminishing coping resources, fatigue, exhaustion)
    • interpersonal factors (e.g., teammates, coworkers, students, coaches, supervisors, instructors)
    • environmental factors (e.g., weather, infrastructure, distance)

Mental Skills: Goal Facilitators

In order to sustain physical and mental energy and finish goals, performers should adopt the following mental skills:

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About Yani Dickens

Providing evidence-based skills to change behavior, promote acceptance, and obtain meaningful personal goals.
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